For the past few months, we've begun storyboarding on Cintiqs. So far I'm loving it, and can see great possibilities in drawing a comic strip daily using it. The next step is to buy a new system with a Cintiq for home in the next year. Nothing new to post, but I am definitely excited by the idea.
I recently had the opportunity to write and storyboard 2 two-minute shorts for a new show for the Nicktoons channel, "Ape Escape." It was both challenging and fun. Challenging because it was daunting to be given no parameters to start with and fun because once I decided on themes they kinda wrote themselves. The first short, "Clearin' the Pipes," involved a monkey-run plumbing company "repairing" some clogged pipes, while the second short, "Size Matters," involved the accidental shrinking of a monkey and the ensuing mayhem. Here are a couple snippets of the animatics for your viewing digestion.
In a small corner of my childhood memory sits the Wombles. I was an enormous fan of this TV show in my grammer school years. I even had a record or two of theirs if memory serves. The strange thing is, like the film "One Got Fat," I don't recall ever meeting anyone who had ever heard of this show before. But man, was I a fanatic. Well, as big a fanatic as a 6 year old could be.
The very first "bughouse," drawn in 1989. Although I've seen similar gags in other strips since, this was an idea I came up with that I recall being pretty proud about at the time.